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Emulsifier: what is it and why are they used in food?
Thickening agents and emulsifiers are used in the food industry to give products a dense, silky consistency that makes food more sensitive to the consumer. Products enriched with emulsifiers are often called velvety, delicate and creamy. Thanks to thickeners and emulsifiers, food products have the same high quality all the time, which means no delamination, no consistent color and consistency. With these substances, food products not only look better, they also taste better.
A natural emulsifier is, for example, lecithin which disperses fat molecules in aqueous solutions of proteins and carbohydrates. You can find it in the egg yolk. Allow the mustard to combine with oil when making mayonnaise. Lecithin is an emulsifier commonly used in the food industry. It is added to bakery products, margarine, cakes, cookies, and chocolate. It can be found on the food label under the symbol E322. Another food emulsifier are the diglycerides of fatty acids and esters of fatty acids marked with the symbol E471. They are used for the production of wafers, ice cream and sauces. These substances are obtained from vegetable and animal fats. They are safe for health because they are digested by our body and do not cause negative effects after absorption. There are definitely more examples of emulsifiers. There is also agar, carrageenan, alginates detected from seaweed and seaweed, as well as locust bean gum, acacia or guar gum plants, which are easily used in food.