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Dongzhi -- Winter Soltice in Chemsino
 The winter solstice occupies an important place in the pantheon of traditional Chinese festivities. Known in Mandarin as Dongzhi, the shortest day of the year is seen as its turning point: from here on out, the days become ever brighter. The darkness of Yin slowly gives way to the light, or Yang, completing one leg in the endless cycle of time.


Making dumplings is one of the traditional ways to celebrate Dongzhi in Northern part of China .Chemsino organized all of the staff in office to make dumplings together .We are divided into 9 groups and each group make their own dumplings first and then share with each other .


All of us are getting inside and feel moved to be one part of Chemsino family .Lets take a look at some of the marvelous moments for our working staffs .