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May all the hard work in the first half of the year be a pavement for surprises in the second half of the year

Saying goodbye to the fiery and passionate June, Chemsino ushered in a new challenge in the second half of the year! The clarion call for the second half of the sprint has sounded!

On July 29, 2021, chemsino grandly held the second half of the year kick-off meeting. At the meeting, the general manager of the company reviewed our work in the first half of the year:

In the first half of the year, under the wise decision of the company's leadership and the efforts of all Chemsino family members, we actively respond to the epidemic, have achieved certain results,even overfulfill the company's tasks.

At the meeting, the general manager of the company gave a detailed introduction to the plan and deployment for the second half of the year. In the past six months, we have had achievements, but also deficiencies, joys and troughs. Achievements and deficiencies are all in the past. The important thing is to think about future development and move forward in thinking. Always be vigilant and plan ahead. In the second half of the year, the challenge continues, and the goal is ahead!