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The influence of food emulsifier on ice cream quality

    The emulsifier can reduce the surface tension of the ice cream mixture emulsion and make the fat globules form uniform and stable fine particles during the homogenization process of the emulsion. During the freezing process, the water in the ice cream accessories turns into fine ice particles, and the air enters the mixture in the form of small bubbles, and the fat particles containing emulsifiers agglomerate to form a three-dimensional network structure to form the skeleton of the ice cream. The ice cream mixture is an oil-in-water emulsion: natural oil and its derivatives are commonly used as non-ionic emulsifiers. After the oil is esterified, one end absorbs fat molecules and the other end absorbs water molecules, which can not only reduce the oil-water interface Tension, a mechanically strong adsorption film multi-molecule layer is formed at the interface, and the dispersed phase particles form a double-electron layer space structure, thereby effectively avoiding the collision or agglomeration of the dispersed phase particles with the same kind of charge, changing the dispersibility of fat and making The product forms fine ice crystals and keeps its texture smooth.

    The emulsifier directly affects the crystal diameter distribution in the ice cream product. A suitable emulsifier can well migrate and cover the fat droplets produced during the homogenization process, so that the product can form a fine and uniform crystal diameter distribution. Its main functions in the product include emulsification, foaming and improvement of shape retention: emulsification is mainly to improve the dispersibility of fat in the mixture, so that the homogenized fat globules are in a uniform and stable fine emulsion state. , To prevent fat from floating and agglomerating, and to prevent the occurrence of grease particles due to mechanical force during freezing and homogenization operations; foaming is mainly to promote the interaction between fat and protein, and to improve the characteristics of mixing and mixing. The foaming and expansion rate of the mixture can be improved, and the agglomeration and cohesion of fat can be effectively controlled; the improvement of shape retention is mainly due to the enrichment of emulsifiers in the ice cream bubbles, which not only promotes air mixing, stabilizes and hinders heat transfer, Moreover, it can enhance the heat resistance of ice cream at room temperature, form a more delicate viscous liquid, effectively prevent the product from shrinking, and can well improve the mouth solubility and maintain the stability of the appearance.