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Application of enzyme preparation in enzymatic hydrolysis of chicken liver pet food attractant
Third, the characteristics of enzyme preparations used in enzymatic hydrolysis of chicken liver pet food attractants

(1) Quickly decompose visceral protein-chicken liver, and improve the operability of materials.

(2) It can eliminate potential allergens of raw materials, increase functional ingredients, and make pets eat healthier.

(3) Retain the characteristic flavor and highlight the fullness of the meat.

(4) The food attractant prepared by the hydrolysate has stronger fragrance, lasting aftertaste and good coordination.

(5) Rapid hydrolysis, providing more flavor precursor substances, and the hydrolyzed product is more suitable for pet taste.

Fourth, the application trend of enzyme preparations in pet food attractants

Foreign countries have already begun to apply enzyme preparations to pet food attractants. In recent years, major domestic enzyme preparation manufacturers have also developed their own animal protein hydrolase, enzymatic chicken liver pet food attractant enzymes and other related enzyme preparation It is foreseeable that in the next few years, the application of enzyme preparations in pet food attractants will become more and more popular. my country has a pet food market of 70 billion yuan. Pet attractants are an important part of the pet food industry. The sales market of enzyme preparations in pet food attractants is huge, and the research is of great significance.