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Can meat tenderizer replace complex phosphate?
 Meat tenderizer and complex phosphate are two different things. Complex phosphate is a collective term for two or more phosphates used in food processing. Usually it is compounded with sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium hexametaphosphate. It is mainly used in meat products to retain water and prevent water loss under high temperature, thereby playing a role of tenderization; the main ingredient of meat tenderizer is papain, whose main function is to lightly hydrolyze elastin and collagen. Tenderize the meat products, increase the freshness of the meat, and make the meat taste tender and not tough, delicious and fragrant. From the previous analysis, it can be concluded that although both meat tenderizer and phosphate have a tenderizing effect on meat, their mechanism of action is different. Therefore, it is necessary to select meat tenderizer for meat tenderization, and to select compound phosphate for water retention. Both can be used at the same time. At present, many companies have introduced papain and phosphate compound meat tenderizer. The price is higher than that of Andorf circulating in the market, but the tenderization effect is better, and it is more suitable for the catering industry.