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Tips on summer life for your reference. I wish All friends good health and success in work!
  1. Replenish water in time but drink less beverages.
   Juice, cola, sprite, soda and other beverages contain more saccharin and electrolytes,
Drinking too much can cause adverse gastrointestinal irritation and affect digestion and appetite. Therefore, in summer you should drink plenty of boiled water or light salt (sugar) boiled water.
  Second, it is not suitable to binge drinking after being thirsty.
It is not advisable to drink a lot of white water after a lot of sweating during labor and exercise, and some light salt (sugar) water should be supplemented appropriately, because after a lot of sweating, the salt in the body is lost too much, which accounts for about 0.5% of the sweat, and it is not refilled in time. Salt causes a serious imbalance in the ratio of water to salt in the body, leading to metabolic disorders.
   3. It is not suitable to go out during the high temperature period.
   The strongest time of solar shortwave radiation is around 10 am to 15 am. You should avoid going out during this time as much as possible. You must go out. You should apply sunscreen and skin care products on your skin. Light-colored clothing is better in summer.
   Fourth, it is not advisable to drink excessively.
   The human body is prone to accumulate heat and dampness under the influence of temperature in summer. Excessive heat and dampness is the cause of skin sores and swelling. If you drink a lot of white wine, it will help heat and generate dampness, which is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.
   5. The diet should not be too light.
   In summer, people have a long time of activity, sweat a lot, and consume a lot. They should eat more nutritious foods such as chicken, duck, lean meat, fish, eggs, etc. to meet the metabolic needs of the human body.
   6. The nap time should not be too long.
   If you take a long nap, the central nervous system will be deeply inhibited, and the relative decrease in blood flow in the brain will slow down the generation process, causing the whole body to feel uncomfortable and more sleepy after waking up.
   Seven, avoid "rapid cooling" after being heated.
In the hot summer, when people go out or return from work, they like to either turn on the electric fan or take a cold shower immediately. This will quickly close the pores of the whole body, and it will be difficult for the body to dissipate heat. It will also cause insufficient blood supply to the brain due to the rapid contraction of blood vessels in the brain. People are dizzy.
   8. The temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air conditioner should not be too large.
   It is advisable to use the air conditioner indoor and outdoor temperature difference not to exceed 5 degrees, even if the weather is hot, the indoor temperature of the air conditioner should not be below 26 degrees.
   Nine, metal jewelry should not be worn.
   Some metals in metal decorations are stained with sweat. When worn, the skin that comes into contact may show symptoms such as redness or itching, which can easily cause contact dermatitis.
    Finally, Chemsino and all employees wish everyone a happy life and smooth work! ! !