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Source Of Formaldehyde In Metal Can Coating
 At present, the widely used organic coatings mainly include epoxy phenolic resin, epoxy amino coating, epoxy polyamide resin, organic sol coating, vinyl coating, polyester coating, acrylic coating, epoxy ester coating and so on. Because of its excellent chemical corrosion resistance, oil resistance and water resistance, epoxy resin is often used as the main raw material of food tinplate inner coating. As one of the starting reactants of epoxy resin coating, formaldehyde may pollute food in metal cans mainly from resin degradation process.

The main harm of formaldehyde is the irritation to skin and mucous membrane. Long term chronic exposure will lead to gene mutation and increase the risk of cancer such as blood cancer and lymphatic cancer. It has been listed as a specific carcinogen (group 1) by International Cancer Research Institute IARC.

Determination of formaldehyde in metal can coating

GB / t5009.69-2008 "analysis method of hygienic standard for epoxy phenolic coatings on the inner wall of food cans", according to the principle that formaldehyde and chromotropic acid are purple compounds in sulfuric acid solution, the color depth is directly proportional to the formaldehyde content, and the principle of quantitative comparison with the standard is used to determine the free formaldehyde in the inner wall coating of food cans.

SMQ food testing institute is always ready for you!

In recent years, SMQ food testing institute has been committed to the research of food packaging material safety testing, and has accumulated rich testing experience, and has undertaken the relevant food contact materials of plastic bottles, barrels, microwave tableware, acrylic related food contact materials, thermoplastic elastomer, food packaging paper and metal cans, food inner wall coating and so on Insurance monitoring items. By using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and PCR technology, bisphenol A, plasticizer, solvent residue, free formaldehyde, microorganism and other related items in food contact materials can be detected quickly.